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How Do You Like Them Pineapples?

The VRGs

The VRGs


1 YR Warranty
30 Day Free Returns
1 YR Warranty
30 Day Free Returns


Gavin The Grouse told Carl The Flamingo he'd never start a sunglass company. "Why?" asked Carl. "Because I'm a selfish drunk who takes 50 weeks of vacation a year?" "Yeah," said Gavin. "Pretty much." One deal with the devil later, Carl started the greatest sunglass company of all time. And every day on vacay, he drunk-dials Gavin to scream, "HOW DO YOU LIKE THEM PINEAPPLES?!?!"


Made for Medium Noggins

Mirrored Reflective Lenses

Frame Measurements


No Slip

Crafted with a special grip-coated frame to eliminate slippage when sweating.

No Bounce

Snug, lightweight frame with a comfortable fit that prevents bouncing during time travel.

All Polarized

Glare-reducing, polarized lenses with UV400 protection block 100% of harmful UVA and UVB rays from robot overlords.

All Future

A futuristic one-lens frame that’ll convince people you traveled here from the future to warn us about the AI takeover.

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